Occupational Noise Audiometry

Midwest Aero Medical is now offering Occupational Noise Audiometric Testing services, formerly known as WorkCover Audiometric Testing, with the new services available from 1st October 2024.

This service is designed to assist your organization in complying with current workplace noise regulations. Please find below detailed information regarding regulatory compliance, the types of audiometric tests we offer, process for booking an appointment and further resource links.

Regulatory Compliance

In line with updated WorkSafe WA regulations, audiometric testing is required within three months of commencing noise-exposed work and must be repeated every two years thereafter. Testing must be performed by a qualified audiometric professional in accordance with Australian Standard 1269.4:2014.

It is important to note that test results will no longer be uploaded to the WorkCover WA Database. Instead, a copy of the results will be forwarded to your company and the employee. As the Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU), your company must maintain these records for compliance and auditing purposes.

 For more specific regulatory information tailored to your industry, we encourage you to consult the WorkSafe WA guidelines. 

Available Audiometric Services (Commencing 1st October 2024)

1. Reference Audiometry

Reference Audiometry establishes a baseline hearing level for employees exposed to occupational noise, providing a key comparison point for future monitoring. It is administered:

  • Within three months of employment for new employees.
  • After at least 16 hours of quiet, ensuring that temporary hearing shifts are not present.
  • Every 10 years for long-term employees, as per WorkSafe WA guidelines.
  • This baseline is essential for detecting potential shifts in hearing due to prolonged noise exposure.

2. Monitoring Audiometry

Monitoring Audiometry identifies any changes in hearing over time. The process is as follows:

  • Conducted two years after the initial Reference Audiometry and then repeated at two-year intervals.
  • Administered mid-shift, capturing the employee’s hearing condition during noise exposure to assess potential noise-induced hearing loss. ***
  • If a significant shift (deterioration) in hearing is detected relative to the baseline, a Second Monitoring Test will be required to confirm whether the shift is temporary or permanent.

3. Second Monitoring Audiometry

If hearing changes are detected during Monitoring Audiometry, a Second Monitoring Test will be scheduled. This test is:

  • Conducted after 16 hours of quiet to assess whether the hearing shift is temporary (due to daily noise exposure) or permanent.
  • Should the shift be permanent, the results from this test will form the new baseline (Reference Audiometry).

This approach helps ensure that effective measures can be implemented to mitigate any further hearing loss while maintaining regulatory compliance.

*** Candidates must present at Midwest Aero Medical within 30mins of finishing shift. For businesses in remote locations where mid-shift testing is logistically challenging, we can refer you to trusted providers who offer remote audiometric testing services. These services often include mobile testing units that can travel to your site and ensure compliance with mid-shift testing requirements. Please contact us if you would like further information on these referral options.

Service Pricing and Duration

Each audiometric test has an approximate duration of 30 minutes and is charged at $150 + GST. This fee covers the test, a comprehensive result, and any necessary recommendations for confirmed hearing loss.

Step-by-Step Guide for Employers

To simplify the scheduling process and ensure compliance with occupational noise regulations, we recommend the following steps:

1. Assess Employee Needs
Identify employees who require audiometric testing based on their exposure to workplace noise, for example but not limited to anyone that uses frequent hearing protection.

2. Schedule Reference Audiometry
For new employees or those without previous Reference Audiometry, schedule a test within three months of employment or as soon as possible.

3. Determine Monitoring Needs
If a Reference Test has been completed, schedule Monitoring Audiometry every two years, ensuring it is conducted mid-shift.  Candidate must present to Midwest Aero Medical within 30 minutes of finishing shift. 

If the employee has had a previous Work Cover LBA Test, please forward the most recent hearing test result PRIOR to their appointment.

4. Respond to Hearing Shifts
If a hearing shift is detected during a Monitoring Test, schedule a Second Monitoring Test before the employee’s next shift. This test must be conducted after 16 hours of quiet.

5. Document and Follow-Up
If a Second Monitoring Test confirms a permanent hearing shift, our qualified Audiometric Noise Officer will issue a formal letter documenting the results. Both the PCBU and the employee will receive copies. Additional referrals to an Authorized Audiologist may be made if necessary.

Employers should note that they may be responsible for other costs associated with further testing.

Testing completed under the Previous WorkCover WA Scheme

If an audiometric test was conducted under the WorkCover WA scheme within three months of an employee starting noise-exposed work, it may still be suitable for use as an initial baseline test.  However, employers should be aware that the new Reference and Monitoring Audiometry are undertaken under the new Australian Standard AS/NZS1269.4.

Further Resources and Information

For additional details and resources specific to your industry, please refer to the following links:

Audiometric testing requirements | Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (commerce.wa.gov.au)

Code of practice - Managing noise and preventing hearing loss at work | Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (commerce.wa.gov.au)

Noise induced hearing loss - WorkCover WA


We are looking forward to assisting with your audiometric testing needs. Should you have any further questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact our Medicals Team medicals@mwaeromedical.com.au .